Introducing The Facts About The Best Temperature For Guppies

Last Updated on September 8, 2024 by Sara Rose

If you are a committed aquaponics hobbyist, you have heard of guppies.  We have created this guide for you to use when raising guppies and determining the best temperature for guppies.

Guppies are the most commonly raised fish in aquarium systems.  This is for many reasons.  Their vibrant color is attractive for those who want to have a tropical ecosystem.  

They have been bred for over 100 years.  If you want a fish tank that is very aesthetically pleasing, go with the guppies.  

It is a good fish for a beginner in aquaponics because they are relatively easy to raise.  As with any choice in your aquaponics’ design, do plenty of research prior to your choice.  

But, if that is your final decision, keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the best temperature for guppies and more details!

Introducing The Famous Guppy

The guppy belongs to the Poeciliidae family.  This family includes other species such as the swordtail and the molly fish.

It originated in South America, specifically in the Trinidad area and other Caribbean islands.  Guppies are considered tropical fish, which means that in order to raise them you will need to simulate a tropical environment.

If you live in a cold place, you may want to reconsider this choice.  People who live in cold climates will need to use a tank heater in order to create suitable conditions.  This is why it is important you know the best temperature for guppies by reading this article.  

The average lifespan is between two and three years.  They also are strong breeders, so once they start pro-creating your tank can fill fast.  

Guppies can grow up to 2 inches long.  The nice thing about guppies is that they are considered to be peaceful fish to raise.  This means they can be raised with other fish.  

The versatility of guppies makes it a nice addition to an already existing fish ecosystem. If you want to ensure success stick to raising guppies alongside other fish in the same family.  

An aggressive fish would not go well with guppies.  The zebrafish is also a great friend to have in the tank.  

According to Scientific American Magazine, guppies have a very unique method of avoiding predators.  “When they spot a predator, they suddenly darken their eyes from silver to jet black—enticing the attacker to go straight for the guppy’s head.” 

When they spot a predator, they suddenly darken their eyes from silver to jet black

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As mentioned earlier, guppies come in so many different color combinations.  This makes it fun for the fish tank hobbyist.  

Male guppies have a stronger color than females. Their long tails which can be around half the size of their body are visually stunning.  If you have guppies in your tank you are likely to be spending a lot of time enjoying watching them swim around. 

How Many Guppies Per Gallon Of Water?

Another important consideration when raising fish is how big of a tank you should have.  Guppies are very small fish.  This means they can survive in small tank sizes which is convenient for those who do not have a lot of space.

The rule of thumb to follow is one gallon per inch of guppy.  Since guppies reach up to 2 inches, you can fit about 5 guppies in 10 gallons of water.  Keep in mind that some guppies could get a little bigger.  

So to be on the safe side, observe your tank as your guppies grow.  Make the necessary adjustments as you see fit. 

Guppies are omnivores which means they eat plants and animals.  Since they are such a popular breed, you can find company-made fish food at almost all pet shops in your area. 

The temperature of your water will affect fish metabolism rates.  If you have a warmer temperature, you may need to feed them twice a day.  

The best water temperature for guppies is between 68-78 degrees F.  Try to keep it in that range to have optimum conditions for your aquaponics system.

Do Guppies Need An Air Pump?

As with every single fish, they need to dissolve oxygen (DO) to survive.  Oxygen can be created naturally with plants in your tank. 

In fact, guppies really enjoy living in tank systems with live plants.  However, if you do not want to have a live planted aquarium, the use of an air pump is necessary.

An air pump uses electricity to send tiny bubbles into your water.  This tool is useful in ensuring that there is enough DO for your fish.  


Keep in mind guppies are rapid breeders so if you do not want your fish population to explode you have to take precautions.  Some people insert plastic dividers into their tanks in order to keep male and female guppies separate.  

If you don’t want to do this, give away some of your extra guppies to friends.  They make a great addition to any home!  People can even raise them in a small glass jar that sits on their kitchen table.  

Guppies are considered a beginner level for fish care hobbyists.  If you are new to tropical fish, it is a good idea to start with these small ones. Read our other articles to learn about how to keep a balanced ecosystem.

For the most part, if you keep your tank clean and your PH balanced, your guppies will be happy.  They like a slightly alkaline PH and can survive within a range of 6.5-8.    You can buy a PH tester at the store to keep this in check.  

After reading this article, you should know all about the best temperature for guppies and all other details about this beautiful fish.  If you follow these general guidelines, you can’t go wrong.

You will have colorful fish swimming around your tank in no time.  Maybe you will become so good at it that you have too many guppies for your tank to handle!  

Always pay attention to your fishes’ behavior.  If something seems off, try to analyze the problem.  

Feel free to comment and ask questions below.  We are always happy to help!

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