Last Updated on September 8, 2024 by Sara Rose
We have most likely all faced the problem of too many insects in our kitchen. Well lucky for you, we have written this article to teach you how to make sticky traps for insects!
While we always promote respecting nature, sometimes things can get so out of control that it becomes a nuisance for your life. One of the most common insects that people trap is the pesky fruit fly.
On hot days, if you leave on food that emits a strong odor, you will quickly attract the herds of these flies. If not managed correctly, the problem can quickly get worse, and you end up with fruit flies everywhere.
One great, easy way to solve this problem is by learning how to make sticky traps for insects. These traps are placed in the area of concern. All you have to do after that is sit back and wait.
If made right, the traps will attract the insects. Once the insects walk onto the trap, they will get stuck and eventually die. It is one of the lowest input techniques to trap insects.
Keep reading this article now to learn how to make these sticky traps for insects!
Table of Contents
Homemade Sticky Traps
If you are into Doing-It- Yourself (DIY), one of the best ways is to make homemade sticky traps. Not only does this save you money, but you can also use all-natural materials. These materials are readily available in many people’s houses.
There are many different ways to make homemade sticky traps. Often, the particular design of the trap will need to be catered to the particular type of bug you are trapping. For example, a different type of trap is needed to catch ants than to catch fruit flies.
Also, the trap design is affected by the reason you want to trap the insect. If you want to trap insects in your kitchen, you use a different design than if you want to trap flying insects in your garden.
However, in general, they can use similar designs. According to the University of California, sticky traps are an efficient tool for monitoring many different kinds of pests like leafminers, thrips, and whiteflies.
Sticky traps are also available for purchase in many hardware stores. When we make a DIY trap, it looks similar to the ones you can buy.
Perhaps you have noticed that the store-made sticky traps are often yellow in color. This is because yellow is a color in nature that insects are attracted to. Yellow is usually at the center of flowers to attract insects to come to pollinate.
Our homemade sticky trap simulates nature in this way. Find any sort of flat yellow object. This could be a yellow notecard, a thick piece of paper, or a thin plastic.
The size of this object is the size of your whole trap. So if you have a large problem, select a larger object. You will also need to consider where you will be placing the trap.
More About Pest Traps
Many farmers hang these traps on their fruit trees to help manage pests that would normally attack their produce.
Once you have your yellow flat objects, we can apply the “stickiness” to them. For this part, you can use your imagination. Anything that is very sticky will work.
Some common things used are honey, petroleum jelly, different kinds of glues, and even car oil! You can experiment with different things to see which is most effective for your situation.
Once you have made your decision, you can spread this substance evenly onto the surface of your yellow object. It is best to utilize all of the surface areas of both sides. The more sticky area that there is, the more insects it can trap.
The nice thing about this trap is that it is reusable. Once you notice it filling up with insects, you can clean off the surface and apply more of your sticky substance. This makes these traps one of the most sustainable choices.
You can even re-purpose plastic packaging to use as your object! This upcycles the plastic waste and lowers the amount of items entering into a landfill.
If you cannot find something yellow, you can go with another color. Try to stick with a lighter color than most simulates flowers in nature. Whites, Oranges, and purples are all possible options.
Using Non-Drying Sticky Glue To Make Your Trap
If you want to use glue for your sticky material, make sure to use non-drying sticky glue. Most rap traps also use non-drying sticky glue. This type of glue does not harden and change character like other kinds of glue.
It is perfect for traps because it maintains its softness and liquidity. So be sure to use only this type of glue only for your sticky trap.
Again, trapping each insect will require different setups. Feel free to experiment to see which types of sticky material work best for which types of insects.
Every insect and situation is unique, so do not get discouraged if a certain method doesn’t work. Be patient and change the material to see which one attracts the insects the best.
Another reason you should learn how to make sticky traps for insects is because it can help you identify which types of insects are attacking your plants. Once they are trapped, you can get a closer look at the tiny creatures to give them an ID.
If you know the type of insect that is hurting your garden, you can learn how to make the proper natural pesticide for it. We do not promote harming any living thing, but we understand that if you want to ensure your garden stays alive, you may have to take those necessary steps.
The best form of pest control is to have a biodiverse ecosystem that is balanced. Now that you know how to make sticky traps for insects, you can see it is not that hard.
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