How To Make A Bell Siphon For Aquaponics?

Aquaponics is the process of raising fish and plants in a symbiotic environment. They provide each other with nutrients, while the waste they produce cleanses your water. Bell siphons are an effective tool that can help grow vegetation faster than you would by using just a pump alone. As a newbie, you need to understand … Read more

How Fast Do Perch Grow?

Perch are a popular fish in the United States. They’re also known as bream or carp, but they all refer to them as perches for short. Perches are native to Europe and can grow up to 3 feet long and live between 5-8 years Perch are a type of fish that grow quickly. They can … Read more

How To Raise Freshwater Prawns?

The world’s population is increasing, and many people are moving to cities. This means that the demand for fresh water will increase alongside it. Prawns out of freshwater aqua farms may be able to help meet this need. Raising freshwater prawns at home is a great way to get started. There are many benefits of … Read more

How Long Do Perch Live?

This question is about the average lifespan of a marine fish, and what factors have an effect on it. Perch are a type of fish that have yellowish coloration. Yellow perch live for about 10 years. How long can perch stay out of water? A: Perch can stay out of water for a long time, … Read more

How Big Can Walleye Get?

Walleye, a freshwater fish found in the rivers and streams of North America is a popular food source among some Native American tribes. The trophy size has increased over time: according to one study, walleyes are now on average 40% bigger than they were just 50 years ago. How long can this trend continue? Walleye … Read more