The Amazing Ways How To Grow Rice Hydroponically

Last Updated on September 8, 2024 by Sara Rose

Rice is one of the most popular foods around the world. This is why we wrote this article which will teach you how to grow rice hydroponically. If you eat it every day, why not learn how to grow it?

Typically, rice is grown in shallow water. But there are hundreds of different rice varieties. Some of them can be grown in a dry environment.  

This growing condition makes it convenient to grow hydroponically. Hydroponics is the act of growing vegetables or plants without using soil. The roots of the plants sink directly into the water, which contains all the necessary nutrients for it to survive. 

It is very possible to grow rice in a hydroponics system. However, it does require a bit more work than other shallow-rooted vegetables like mustard green or lettuce. 

Rice requires a high amount of water to grow. Unfortunately, with the way global warming and the climate crisis is going, water is becoming a precious resource. In fact, according to the University of California’s agricultural department, “water withdrawal is higher for rice than for most crops.”  

 Due to human misuse, water is more and more scarce.

This means that important crops like rice will become harder to grow. Learning how to grow rice hydroponically is one way we can combat this problem and ensure food security for generations to come.  

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about how to grow rice hydroponically! After reading this article you should be ready to get started. 

Hydroponic Growing System with Automated LED Grow Lights

Steps To Grow Hydroponics Rice

Before getting into specific details of how to grow rice hydroponically, we want you to be aware of a few important things.

First off, growing hydroponics rice produces a far less yield than when it is grown in the ground. One reason rice is so cheap is because when grown correctly, it provides a high amount of crop. So, do not expect to get as much as you would if you grew it outdoors.

A second thing to consider is the amount of time it takes to produce rice. Typically rice takes at least 180 days to grow. This is about 6 months! If you decide to grow hydroponics rice, you are making a half a year commitment at least.

This is one reason people avoid growing long-term crops in hydroponics. It is more common for people to grow quick-growing crops like lettuce. 

 Lettuce only takes about a month and a half until harvest. That is a much faster turnaround compared to a crop like rice.  

Growing rice is best if you are only planning to use it for personal use. As of now, it is not an economically viable business. It is far better to earn money growing strawberries, tomatoes, lettuces, basil, and other simple crops.

If you are sure you want to grow hydroponics rice, then keep reading. 

The first step in growing rice is to find the seed. Try to choose a variety that you know will do well in your climate. Be sure to do adequate research prior to making your selection.

Rice needs full sun to grow, so be sure to have a good location that can provide this.  

As with any hydroponics system, you have to start by sprouting your seed. Soak your rice for at least a day and a half to begin the germination process.

how to grow rice indoors

Rice Aquaponics And Hydroponics Continued

After the seeds are soaking, you need to dry them out for one day. This process basically softens the seed coat, which allows for the sprout to come out more easily.  

At this point, you are ready to put the seeds into a growing mix in order to allow them to sprout. Since you are doing it hydroponically, you have two choices.  

One is to put the soaked seeds into the soil and then transplant it later after it gets big enough. The other option is to put the seeds into coconut coir grow pod, which you insert directly into your hydroponic system.  

Feel free to experiment with both ways to see which one is most effective. Rice seeds prefer a high temperature to germinate. So be sure to create these optimum conditions. 

If you follow these steps correctly, your rice should sprout within 2 weeks.   At this point, you can transplant the sprouts into your hydroponics system.  

If you use a soil medium, be sure to remove any soil debris that remains on the roots. This will optimize the amount of nutrients your rice can uptake, as well as keep your water cleaner.  

The best temperature rice needs to grow is around 77 degrees Fahrenheit. As long as you provide the rice with this temperature, full sun, and nutrients, you can pretty much sit back and wait for 6 months.

It is possible to combine aquaponics with this system. If you do this, fish waste should provide enough well-balanced nutrients for your rice.  

How To Grow Rice Indoors?

Growing any plant indoors will require supplemental lighting systems. These lights are what replace the sun. You can buy special grow lights from aquaponics or hydroponics stores.  

While it is possible, we highly recommend growing your rice in a place where it can receive natural sunlight. This will give you a lot better results.  

Just like any plant, rice requires the typical macronutrients of N (nitrogen), P (Phosphorous), and K (potassium). Nitrogen should be given at the beginning of the rice’s life cycle. Phosphorus and potassium can be added at higher levels in the middle and end of its life.  

After six months, you will be ready to harvest. Harvesting rice is a long process. You need to dry it for 2 weeks before removing the seed, which is the part we typically eat.  

While growing rice hydroponically is not the most efficient way of producing this crop, it is still possible. As long as you aren’t looking for extremely high yields, why not try it? Hopefully, you now understand how to grow rice hydroponically!  

Feel free to comment and ask questions below!

How to grow rice indoors?

Growing any plant indoors will require supplemental lighting systems. These lights are what replaces the sun. You can buy special grow lights from aquaponics or hydroponics stores.

While it is possible, we highly recommend growing your rice in a place where it can receive natural sunlight. This will give you a lot better results.

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